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Issue #5 of the Rebel Yell Web Comic coming soon!


Filming for the Pilot has commenced!


Web Comic Issue #4

Rebel News December 2013


The fourth issue of the Rebel Yell web comic is only a few weeks away!

December 28th will see the release of the fourth issue of

Rebel Yell the Web comic.

Frank and the gang get their first job as tow truck drivers when the crew

is called out to rescue a ship disabled in the asteroid belt. 

Things start to go wrong before the gang even gets off the ground

and it begins to become apparent that things are rarely as they seem!



Rebel Yell Web Comic Issue #1

Rebel Yell Web Comic Issue #2

Rebel Yell Web Comic Issue # 3




New Studio!

Rebel News October 2013


The Rebel Yell Crew finally has a proper space to do their thing.


The Rebel Yell Project started on a p.c. in a living room but quickly began to grow.

With a cast of eight voice actors, three computers, two guitar amps with guitars, a big keyboard..  well you get the idea.


We now have four hundred square feet of brightly lit studio space where we won't bother the neighbors if we get a little too loud.

Rebel Yell the Web Comic

Rebel News September 2013


Rebel Yell is now officially a webcomic!  


We all know what they say about hindsight.  Yes we should have done this six months ago, but hey, live and learn.


The Rebel Yell story demands to be told and with the first season's scripts already written and collecting dust waiting for better animating facilities this seemed a logical move.

Each issue is a full episode with the first two issues already online and number three in the works.


The comic is being hosted on Comic Fury, an awesome site for an  awesome comic.


Rebel Yell the Web Comic


Issue #5 Near completion!

Rebel News July 2014


The exciting conclusion to "First Job" is two thirds finished!


Frank and the crew are called out for there first job as Solar Tow Truck Operators.

Some kids took Daddy's Space Yacht for a joyride and have gotten themselves

caught up in the asteroid belt.  The crew will have to use demolition missiles to

get in and out of the belt but before they take off half their missiles are stolen!

Coincidently Max has come across some anti matter bombs which they decide to trade for the missiles they need.  Not long after meeting with Max's friend

Muhamhed, an illegal arms dealer the Feds show up.


Will the crew get busted before their new career even begins?









Filming The Pilot

Rebel News July 2014

Well here we are back at the beginning again, a little older and a hell of a lot wiser.


When we started this project none of us knew what we were getting in to.  In theory

everything seemed pretty straight forward.  Just about everything on T.V. was crap

so how could we fail?  As it turns out the crap is there for a reason.


Rebel Yell isn't a masterfuly written epic but it is a damn good story with solid

characters.  Network television would turn them into either sex fiends for the adult

audience or dumbed them down for the kids.  Fuck that.


In order to preserve our integrity and keep the project in our complete creative control

we are going to produce the show ourselves and go the independent web tv route.

This option wasn't on the table when we first started because we lacked the know

how and resources. 


All the pieces of the puzzle are in place now and we're doing it.


Pete and Olivia were in the studio on Sunday for the first of the re-takes

with our sweet new microphone, the sets and characters are making a smooth

transition into the new animating software and we now have acess to a

render farm! 

I decided to use Blender to "produce" the show.  It's an industry standard 3D

suite in the same class as the software used to make films like Avatar and

Final Fantasy.  It comes with a lot of excellent support and options for us low

budget film makers.


We still have to nail down the actual animation process as I still can't animate

and our failed crowd funder meant I couldn't hire one.  I know, this is the

important part.  Lucky for me Blender has no problem with camera tracking

and motion capture.  So far I've managed to figure everything else out so I'll

figure this one out too.  The Mocap starts next week.


Rico D






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